Yes fellow film makers and fans, here is the page you all want to know about. Exactly what is happening in the world of Sick Individual Productions? Well read on and find out all the answers. We wont give away too much...

Last completed film: Udds X


The idea has been floated amongst the Sick Individual faithful and it is full steam ahead for this production. A tale of heavenly vengeance and generations of persecution. How long can a man hold onto his faith? How forgiving is heaven? These notions will be explored within this film. The script and effects are being developed as we speak. Angelic justice for all!

Take a look at the God Damned Work In Progress page.


An as-yet untitled Star Wars fan film is being considered. Grant has conceived the project from scratch, and hopes to include some things never before seen in a Star Wars fan film.

If the project goes under way, Grant will be taking on one of the main roles, with Leigh on camera, and some choreographed fighting devised by Grant himself. Expect some thrills!


Mixo 5

Mixo 5 (working title), has begun behind-the scenes production with Mark Feltham being assigned the first job of building the prop/costume that will become Mixo's new nemesis. 

Grant wrote the script quite awhile ago, and has been hoping to start soon. With Mark back in Australia, Mixo 5 seems closer to reality. All the previous Mixo Joes were filmed on an old analogue and edited with a Sony editing station (no computers involved!!), so with all the new technology in Grant's hands and the progress Sick Individual Productions has made since the previous Mixo outing expect something very special!! Check out the prequels here.

All Content (C) Sick Individual Productions 1994 - 2019