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The Many Other Actors Who have Played Small Parts

Grant Meredith
Leigh Achterbosch
Paul Goossens
John Franc
Rod Lofts
Peter Beerens
Warren Feltham
Mark Feltham
Daniel Jones
Bit Parts

This page is dedicated to the many regular bit part actors that have helped out greatly with Sick Individual Productions in the past. Without these valuable people many Sick Individual Productions would not have been possible.

Ian has been a helper and contributor for many years now. He has a lot of creativity and flair, and ready for bit parts when he's in town.

Sick Individual Filmography

Mixo Joe 2: Warrior Knight & Wiseman
The Curse of the Weremoose:
Lord Havasucki Ofmycockee
The I-Team Project FUBAR:
Enemy Soldier

Ben has been a great friend to Sick Individual Productions over the years. He has proved to all to be a very willing and prepared bit actor.

Sick Individual Filmography

Mixo Joe 4: Ben the Thug
Dangerous Dan Jones: Head Hunter

Matt is a fairly newcomer to the film industry. With a couple of roles under his belt for the time being, I think his best is certainly to come.

Sick Individual Filmography

Dangerous Dan Jones: Convict
The I-Team Project FUBAR: Enemy Soldier

Little Tommy has been of great assistance to our work in the past. He has certainly taken on some challenging and controversial roles!

Sick Individual Filmography

I Love Ewe: Farmer
Winter of the Udds: Freedom Fighter

Sean is also a newcomer to the scene. He has a couple roles to his name, and also accepted the risks these roles come with early in his career.

Sick Individual Filmography

Dark Prophecy: Voice of Servant Bumbag
Dangerous Dan Jones:
Naughty Little Boy
The I-Team Project FUBAR: Various Enemy Soldiers

Josh is the youngest Sick Individual cast member ever and a convincing actor, although he has only one major role to his name. But after many recasts for that role, his persona fitted the part perfectly.

Sick Individual Filmography

The I-Team Project FUBAR: Agent Johnson & an Enemy Soldier

Shane, another newcomer to the Sick Individual crew, is highly committed to acting out the part. Few roles as of yet, but pivotal ones in the opening sequences of The I-Team: Project FUBAR.

Sick Individual Filmography

The I-Team Project FUBAR: Various Enemy Soldiers
Udds X: UDF Recruit

Kieran took on his first role recently at Sick Individual Productions wholeheartedly. When he was asked to play as a General, he expanded upon the role in quite a Sick Individual manner that has left everyone who has seen it has been totally flabberghasted!

Sick Individual Filmography

The I-Team Project FUBAR: General Barnaky
Udds X: General Barnaky

Shaun, another newcomer to the Sick Individual crew, is baby-faced with a natural charm and therefore is the new James Dean of our Generation. He is a rebel-with-a-cause and is not gank shy.

Sick Individual Filmography

Udds X: UDF Recruit

Rheinard has finally taken the step from the stage to the BIG SCREEN! He's natural dramatic tempo and comic timing is seen in fall bloom in Udds X.

Sick Individual Filmography

Udds X: Cult Leader

Gus has left the stable of Sick Individual Productions after the I-Team. His performance in Dangerous Dan Jones as a German Officer was a standout.

Sick Individual Filmography

Dangerous Dan Jones: German Officer
The I-Team: Project FUBAR: Psychotic Torturer & Various Enemy Soldiers

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