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Udds X (pronounced Udds Ecks, not Udds Ten) is currently in production by Sick Individual Productions.

It is the third film in the Udds line of short films, a series that has generated a lot of interest by professionals and amateurs alike.

The original Udds, titles 'The Winter of the Udds' shown the viewers how the Udds were created, and their turning against their creators - human. They were a force to be reckoned with.

It followed with the Great Udd War, titled 'Udds Armageddon', and by great, we mean great! We suggest downloading Udds Armageddon if you haven't already, and then thinking bigger and better things from Udds X!!


Udds X Promo Video (number 1)

Yes, that's right, the first video footage of Udds X has been released!!! Very little is revealed, and most of it revolves around the footage shot in scene #6. Well, what are you waiting for?!? Download on right!

Udds X Promo (no.1)
(right click, save as)
Size: 1.11MB
Format: .wmv
Length: 1m:00s

Udds X - Shooting Diary
The following information is intended to entice the viewer, not to give away the actual plot, action, characters, etc.

Scene #8 - Shot in the Invermay forest near Ballarat, Australia.

22nd January, 2005

The Udds are vicious warriors as can be seen by what they've done to our soldier!

Another scene completed filming in into the editing stage. Only one more major scene to go and then a few little shots to tie it all together. Hopefully the wait is nearly over! 

Together we stand.

Take that!

The day was a successful shoot, with cast members willing to get a little dirtier than usual for the sake of art. All the storylines are tying together through the scenes and thus, we almost have a new short film!


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Scene #7 - Shot in an old quarry at Waterloo (near Beaufort), Australia.

26th September, 2004

Even the I-Team has trouble in the new Great Udd War.

Another new scene complete. There is only 2 more scenes to go, and a few little pieces of filming to slot in. We are hoping for an early 2005 release.

This scene is the second half of a 2-part scene. As you can see a (Braveheart style) leader Udd takes on members of the I-Team and the outcome...well I cannot reveal that!

An Udd Beserka

A very touching moment. Ohhhhh...


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Scene #6 - Shot in various Beaufort and Ballarat locations, Australia.

16th May & 20th July 2004

These men are in danger. After six scenes you are still yet to see an Udd (except for the one in scene #4)

A whole day and two tapes of footage were shot (for maybe 2 minutes after editing) on the 16th May in a gruelling exercise on all the cast present. Hell, the cameraman even had a sore eye at the end ot it!  

Are the humans quarrelling?

Shane Hoffmann coped it all day, and this is no exception

It was quite tough and many of the cast fell asleep on the return trip. During July a few extra pieces were shot to fill in some gaps. Other than that, I can't say anything without giving it away.


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Scene #5 - Shot at an actor's house in Delacombe (Ballarat Suburb), Australia.

7th July, 2004

The Aussie Flag

A nice quick scene has been shot to keep the ball rolling. We are all so busy with school/work and exams etc. The finishing date looks to be pushed till the end of the year.

If you look carefully you may be able to deduce what happens during this scene, so I'm not saying anything to help you. Although it is a little funny, and sad, and lovely, and lonely, and etc...

A tearful day

The cavalry has arrived


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Scene #4 - Shot in the Invermay forest near Ballarat, Australia.

11th March, 2004

Where is the operator of this radio?!?
"Come in! Please respond!!!"

Shooting went quite well today, minus a couple of hitches. Two new guys joined the Sick Individual line-up to make a cast count that is catching up on The I-Team: Project FUBAR, and a large scene is still in the works!

Mr. Galaxies  joins the cast

Mr. Firestarter

Anyway, why don't we tell you about one of the hitches? One of the new guys, let's just call him Pete, set Grant's set (which he spent a while building) on fire! It was an accident of course and was caught on tape.


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Scene #3 - Shot in a hut at Mugwump camping ground in Mt Cole forest, 30 minutes from Ballarat, Australia.

13th February, 2004


A dark scene has been shot, again in no particular order. New actor Rheinard shows some talent, and a great first effort!

The Udds have made an impact on humans worldwide. And we, the humans, don't all feel the same way about the little murderous, conniving rubber-faced, war-faring race.....

New SIP actor - Rheinard

A blasphemous symbol dedicated the to UDD war effort


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Scene #2 - Shot at Devil's Kitchen, 30 minutes outside Ballarat, Australia.

20th January, 2004

Recon sniper takes aim

A second scene is now in the can. Not necessarily in the order of the film, so no plot openers there!

Agent P in distress!

Sgt. Hefoshawitz contemplates

A couple of new characters are introduced as you can see, with high quality make-up on the go, and this scene also contains A SHOCK REVELATION!!


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Scene #1 - Shot at the dry Lake Goldsmith, just outside Beaufort, Australia.

10th September, 2003

Agent G prepares!

The first large scale scene has been shot. While I am not at liberty to tell you about what occurred during the scene, Grant has released three pictures for you to view.

Let's see...I can tell you that the scene involves Udds (duh!), the I-Team and a lot of blood! YES!! Look out for more news to come. Grant is constantly building sets, and props, and we'll update you when scenes are shot!


Patriotic Agent L

The heavily armed I-Team stand ready


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